The child waited two hours before she was called to give evidence 小女孩等了两个小时才被传唤进去作证。
The forensic scientists who carried out the original tests will be called to give evidence 进行最初化验的法医学家将被传唤到庭作证。
Give evidence of your qualities from examples of accomplishments and achievements in your work, study and free time activities 给你简历中的每一项品质都附上工作、学习和课余活动的一些成就作为佐证
Rather than give evidence of how bad the economy is, the Government simply stopped publishing pesky economic statistics. 为了不留下说明经济状况有多糟的证据,委内瑞拉政府干脆不再发布讨厌的经济统计数据。
He agreed to give evidence against the terrorists in return for a guarantee of protection. 他同意提供指控恐怖分子的证据以换取受保护的保证。
The genii will give evidence against those who have worshipped idols. 魔怪将提供证据来反对那些崇拜偶像的人。
To refuse to give evidence to a court or tribunal or committee, because the evidence may incriminate you. 拒绝向法院或法庭或委员会拿出证据,因为这样的证据可能会将你牵连进刑事案内。
The lawyer had an eyewitness to give evidence. 律师有一位能出庭作证的目击者。
The results give evidence that Al treatment caused oxidative stress and in turn, it caused lipid peroxidation. 这个结果显示,导致氧化应激和铝处理,它导致脂质过氧化作用。
The witness of criminal case comes to give evidence on the court is a general criterion of the international criminal judicature, and is one of the system of criminal procedural law of China. 刑事案件证人出庭作证,是国际刑事司法准则的要求,也是我国刑事诉讼法规定的制度。
To summon, as required when exercising the above-mentioned powers and functions, persons concerned to testify or give evidence. (十)在行使上述各项职权时,如有需要,可传召有关人士出席作证和提供证据。
Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess. 酷刑拷打原本用来逼迫受刑者给出犯罪证据,或是认罪。
A chief investigating judge questions those who give evidence in the court. 其中一位专门负责调查取证的主审法官在庭上负责询问所有提供证据的证人。
Applicants would also need to give evidence of the fair and equitable sharing of benefits under the national regime of their country of origin. 同时,专利申请人也需要提供证明,证明他们与这些基因资源和本土知识原产国按照该原产过的制度进行了公平合理的利益分配。
Most people are competent to give evidence. 多数人都有资格提供证据。
She was called up to give evidence by the Supreme people's court. 最高法院传她作证。
How can they expect me to give evidence against my own mother? 他们怎么能指望我出示不利于我亲生母亲的证据呢?
She will give evidence to a committee of enquiry. 她将向调查委员会提供证据。
She reaffirmed that she would give evidence against him. 她再次声明自己会出示证据反对他。
You may be call to give evidence at the trial. 法庭可能传你去作证。
He wouldn't give evidence, I think someone paid him off. 他小肯作证,我想有人收买了他。
In court witnesses are asked to give evidence about events, and judges and juries assess its reliability. 在法庭上,要求目击者为案件提供证据,由法官和陪审团判断其可靠性。
A witness who is called to give evidence at an appeal shall have all of the rights and privileges of a witness in a civil action in the court of first instance. 被传召在上诉中提供证据的证人具有原讼法庭民事诉讼中的证人的所有权利及特权。
Parliament has enacted a plan under which children can give evidence at a trialvia a television link. 议会已制定一项计划,规定儿童可以通过电视网向法庭作证。
My teacher was never called on to give evidence. 没有叫我的老师作证。
Some parts of the case are deemed so sensitive that the judge has ruled that one witness can give evidence anonymously. 此案的某些部分被视为非常敏感,法官因此裁定,有一位证人可以匿名作证。
Kemp was never called to give evidence. 肯普从来没有被叫去作证。
The scientists must give evidence of supporting his theories. 科学家必须拿出证据以支持其学说。
If a consular officer should decline to give evidence, no coercive measure or penalty may be applied to him. 领事官员拒绝作证,不得对其采取强制措施或者给予处罚。
Summons a person to give evidence under oath and to produce documents; 传召任何人宣誓作供及交出文件;